Offline resources

The College library room is widely spread with more than 30000 collective books covering different branches of knowledge.

Reference Books
The college library has more than 2413 collection of latest and rare reference books for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.

The library has an overall collection of more than 5 print journals connected directly with academic and research field like Aitihya; The Heritage, Augusta, Angkur, Edu Tracks, Yojana, University News, Sambhashan Sandesh, Prabandhan: Indian Journal of management etc. for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.

The library has the subscription of more than 5 regional newspapers and 1 national newspaper in order to keep our students as well as the teaching and non-teaching staffs updated and stand hand in hand with the outer world. The students can easily access to various e-newspapers available for free.

The library has the subscription of more than 11 magazines ( English, Assamese and Sanskrit) like Competition Success Review, Goriyoshi, New India Samachar, India Today, , Career Guide, Dream 2047, Prantik, etc. for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.