Historical Resources

Mythological books
The College library room includes under its own steam a collection of mythological books like Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagawata, Puraan, The Hymns of the Rgveda, kirtan ghosa and Naam ghosa, Vedic Mythology, Manu-samhita, An atlas of the mughal empire, etc for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.

The College library room includes under its own steam a collection of manuscripts for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.

Regional History Books
The College library room includes under its own steam a collection of regional history books like Report on the province of Assam, for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.

National History Books
The College library room includes under its own steam a collection of national history books for the students as well the teaching and non-teaching staffs.